Ing. Mgr. Dana Ondrušková, Ph.D.



Katedra ekonom. a manažerských studií

Filozofická fakulta

Křížkovského 12


Odborný asistent

Ondrušková D., Pospíšil R. European Parliament Elections Incentives for First-Time Voters: Evidence from the Secondary Schools. European Studies – The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics. 2023.
Ondrušková D., Pospíšil R. The good practices for implementation of cyber security education for school children. Contemporary Educational Technology. 2023.
Pospíšil R., Ondrušková D. Funding organisations: the case of regional public schools in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia. 2022.
Ondrušková D., Pospíšil R. A comparative study of teacher´s salary formula methods, case of regional school funding. Iqtisad elmləri: nəzəriyyə və praktika. 2021.
Ondrušková D., Pospíšil R. Multi-stage design of Continuous Professional Development for teachers – directions for effective implementation Strategy 2030+. KNOWCON 2022: Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference proceedings. 2022.
Ondrušková D., Pospíšil R. New funding models for regional public schools. KNOWCON 2021: Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference proceedings. 2021.
Ondrušková D., Pospíšil R. Perspectives of vocational education in the Czech Republic. In Nálepová V., . (Eds.) International Scientific Conference Economic and Social Policy. 2020.
Ondrušková D., Pospíšil R. Well-educated workforce as a key to state prosperity: Case of the Czech Republic in the economic slump. In Ondrušková D. (Eds.) Knowledge on Economics and Management: Profit or Purpose. 2020.
Müller M., Kročil O., Kubátová J., Pospíšil R., Ondrušková D., Kosina D., Vaseková V., Ottová L., Pisklák S. Podnikatelská řešení společenských problémů. Univerizta Palackého v Olomouci. 2023.

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