Fee and Payment


The full conference fee for speakers is CZK 4,650 (incl. VAT). This fee covers one contribution published in the conference proceedings (in case of positive result of the double review process), one paper presentation during the conference, coffee breaks and participation at the conference social events for one person.

The reduced conference fee for BA, MA and PhD students as an active participants (speakers) is CZK 3,000 (incl. VAT). This fee covers one contribution written by student as the main author published in the conference proceedings (in case of positive result of the double review process), one paper presentation during the conference, coffee breaks and participation at the conference social events for one person.

For the full registration use the registration system.

The reduced conference fee for passive participants is CZK 3,000 (incl. VAT). This fee covers participation at the conference without the paper presentation and publication in the conference proceedings. Coffee breaks and participation at the conference social events for one person are included.

The passive online-participation of BA, MA and PhD students is free.

These participants are requested to register via this form before September, 30.

Use bank transfer to make the payment. Please pay the conference fee no later than October 31 of this year.

Name of the bank: Komerční banka, a.s., pobočka Olomouc, tř. Svobody 14, 772 14 Olomouc
Owner of bank account: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Křížkovského 511/8, 771 47 Olomouc
Account No.: 000019 – 1096330227/0100
IBAN CZ09 0100 0000 1910 9633 0227
(bank fees charged to a payer)
Variable symbol: 99217051
Specific symbol: registration ID (of your contribution in the conference system)

When filling out the payment order, include the name and surname of the participant in the message to the beneficiary box.

No portion of the conference fee will be refunded in the event that a participant fails to utilise any of the services covered in said conference fee. Only payments in CZK are accepted.

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