Studium v zahraničí: Solbridge, Jižní Korea

Čtvrtek 11. březen 2021, 10:04

Solbridge University v Jižní Korei, se kterou má KEMS smlouvu, otevřela výběrové řízení na studijní pobyty v akademickém roce 21/22. Na výjezd je možné čerpat finanční podporu z programu Freemover FF UP. Termín pro zadávání přihlášek je 25. června. V případě, že o tomto výjezdu uvažujete, mě prosím kontaktujte na email


Informace k podmínkám výjezdu:

Required documents for online application

The list of four required documents is as follows for all students: 

- passport copy

- English test score, (TOEFL, IELTS, equivalent or B2 language proficiency certificate) - an official B2 language certificate issued by the home institution will be accepted

- grade transcripts

- enrollment certificate

- international health certificate, if applicable 

Dual degree and transfer students will have to send the additional documents:

- bank statement of minimum USD 20,000 or equivalent

- a personal essay

- a recommendation letter for undergraduate students; two recommendation letters for graduate students

- a resume or CV for graduate students 

Only official scores for the English test (IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL, Duolingo) for degree-seeking students will be accepted. 


Admission process, step by step

The admission process will follow these successive steps: 

Step 1: students apply online and submit all required documents 

Step 2: scheduling of an admission interview with our Admissions Manager

Step 3: after passing the interview, the Admissions Team will send students an acceptance letter and invoice via email 

Step 4: students are kindly advised to proceed with the payment via bank transfer 

Step 5: after payment is received, the Admissions Team will send students the necessary visa documents to the home address and/or electronically 

Step 6: students are advised to apply for their D2 student visa at the Korean embassy in their home country preferably, at their earliest convenience. 


Students can start applying as soon as today. We kindly encourage students to follow the admission process step by step. It is in their best interest to apply early and proactively follow each step until the final stage of getting the student visa.


Course lists and study load 

Undergraduate students will be able to take up to 6 courses per semester for a maximum of 18 credits. Graduate students will be able to take up to 4 courses per semester for a maximum of 12 credits. 

The course list for the Fall semester will be finalised around June, you will kindly find attached the course lists for Spring 2021 and Fall 2020 as a reference. 


Launching of BBA 2.0 curriculum

From Spring 2021, SolBridge has launched an updated BBA 2.0 curriculum and offers two new specialisations in Data Analytics, and Technology and Innovation. 


Graduate programmes

Graduate students are able to choose to enroll in any of the following degrees:

- Master of Business Administration - MBA 

- MSc in Marketing Analytics - MSMA

- Master in Management and Technology - MIMT


Semester dates for Fall 2021

The Fall 2021 semester dates will be as follow:

- Deadline for online application submission: Friday 25 June 2021
- Orientation week: to be confirmed 
- Start of the semester: Monday 30 August 2021 
- End of the semester: Friday 17 December 2021



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