Mgr. Ondřej Kročil, Ph.D.

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Katedra ekonom. a manažerských studií

Filozofická fakulta

Křížkovského 12


Odborný asistent

Ondřej Kročil has been working at Palacký University, Department of Economic and Management Studies, since 2017. He specializes in social entrepreneurship, which he dealt with in his dissertation thesis defended in 2019. He is the author of a number of professional articles published in journals indexed on the Web of Science. (eg Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Industrial and Commercial Training, etc.) and published by prestigious publishers (Wiley, Emerald, etc.). Between 2020 and 2022, he was the main researcher of a research project focused on crisis management of social enterprises co-financed by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. Since 2020, he has been the head of the Department of Economic and Management Studies.

Office Hours:
Irregular Room number: Comment:
08:00–16:00 1.21

Functions & membership in academic & non academic bodies:

  • Vedoucí katedry/ústavu/kliniky (1. 1. 2020 – )
Selected publications
Kubátová J., Kročil O. A conscious leadership competency framework for leadership training. INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL TRAINING. 2022. (ČLÁNEK)
Müller M., Vaseková V., Kročil O., Kosina D. COVID-19 as an advantage or a disaster? Crisis and change management strategies of Hong Kong social entrepreneurs during the pandemic. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT. 2025.
Vaseková V., Müller M., Kročil O. Acting like Living in a Panopticon? Hong Kong Social entrepreneurs’ Perceptions of Risks and Vulnerabilities. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. 2024.
Müller M., Vaseková V., Kročil O. Entrepreneurial solutions to social problems: philosophy versus management as a guiding paradigm for social enterprise success. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 2024.
Kročil O., Müller M., Schlossarek M. Making sense of social enterprises' crisis preparedness and development of composite index for its assessment. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. 2024.
Pospíšil R., Kročil O., Sadílek T. Determinants of young generation retirement planning behaviour - the case of Czechia. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies. 2023.
Kročil O., Müller M., Kubátová J. Vulnerable social enterprises: sensemaking of the COVID-19 crisis in the Czech Republic. Social Enterprise Journal. 2023.
Hartmannová L., Schlossarek M., Kročil O., Šucha M. Psychosocial Aspects of the Use and Provision of Carsharing Services in the Czech Republic. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 2022.
Kročil O., Pospíšil R., Kosina D. Awareness and Attitudes toward Social Entrepreneurship among University Students and Disabled People. The Case of the Czech Republic. Economic and Social Changes-Facts Trends Forecast. 2020.
Kročil O., Pospíšil R., Kosina D. Awareness and Attitudes toward Social Entrepreneurship among University Students and Disabled People. The Case of the Czech Republic. Economic and Social Changes-Facts Trends Forecast. 2020.
Kročil O., Pospíšil R. The Influence of GDPR on Activities of Social Enterprises. MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS. 2020.
Kunz P., ŽUfan P., Pospíšil R., Kročil O. The Public Law Procurement System and its Macroeconomic Effects in Germany and in the Czech Republic Regarding its Compliance with EU Law. European Studies – The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics. 2020.
Kročil O., Dopita M., Pospíšil R. Integration Social Enterprises as a Tool of Employment Policy. Ekonomski Pregled. 2019.
Pospíšil R., Kročil O., Kunz P. The Analysis of Damping of the Bovine Rhinotracheitis National Recovery Program in the Czech Republic between 2006-2016. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 2019.
Pospíšil R., Kunz P., Kročil O. The Impact Of Public Procurement Law To The System Of Public Finance. Global Economic Observer. 2019.
Kročil O., Pospíšil R. Comprehensive Measurement of Social Enterprise Impact. Ekonomski Pregled. 2018.
Kunz P., Pospíšil R., Kročil O. Economic Benefits of The Sustainable Public Procurement Law. Iqtisad elmləri: nəzəriyyə və praktika. 2018.
Kročil O., Pospíšil R. Halal products system audit and its importance for the Czech Republic export strategy. The Journal of Economic Sciences: Theory and Practice. 2017.
Kubátová J., Kosina D., Kročil O., Müller M., Slavíčková P. CREA – the essential soft skills for the post-2022 world. KNOWCON 2023. Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference Proceedings. 2023.
Müller M., Vaseková V., Kubátová J., Kročil O. The Importance of the Business Community and Networking in Social Entrepreneurship. In Müller M., Slavíčková P. (Eds.) KNOWCON 2023: Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference Proceedings. 2023.
Kročil O., Drastich M. External Barriers to the Activities of Social Enterprises – a Literary Review. Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference Proceedings. 2021.
Kročil O., Müller M., Kubátová J. Threats, Vulnerabilities and Risks of Social Enterprises – What Do We Know and What Should Be Developed? In Slavíčková P., Stoklasa J. (Eds.) Knowledge on Economics and Management. 2020.
Kročil O., Pospíšil R. Disabled People as a Target Group of Social Enterprises? The Case of the Czech Republic. In . (Eds.) Knowledge on Economics and Management: Profit or Purpose. 2019.
Kročil O., Pospíšil R. How Can Social Enterprises Benefit from Content Marketing? Customer Psychology. In . (Eds.) Knowledge for Market Use 2018: Finances in the Background of Sustainable Development. 2018.
Kročil O. PROBLEMATIKA SOURODOSTI ČLENSKÝCH STÁTŮ EUROZÓNY. Znalosti pro tržní praxi 2015: Ženy - podnikatelky v minulosti a současnosti. 2015.
Kročil O., Müller M., Kubátová J., Dopita M. Krizové řízení v sociálních podnicích. 2022.
Müller M., Slavíčková P., Kročil O., Kubátová J., Kosina D. KNOWCON 2024: Knowledge on Economics and Management. 2024.
Kosina D., Müller M., Kubátová J., Slavíčková P., Kročil O. Soft Skills for the 21st Century: Taxonomy and Model. 2024.
Müller M., Slavíčková P., Kubátová J., Kročil O., Kosina D. KNOWCON 2023: Knowledge on Economics and Management. 2023.
Müller M., Slavíčková P., Kubátová J., Kročil O. KNOWCON 2022: Knowledge on Economics and Management. 2022.
Slavíčková P., Kubátová J., Kročil O., Stoklasa J. KNOWCON 2021: Knowledge on Economics and Management. 2021.
Slavíčková P., Kubátová J., Kročil O., Stoklasa J. KNOWCON 2020. Knowledge on Economics and Management. 2020.
Müller M., Kročil O., Kelemen P., Kubátová J., Pospíšil R., Vaseková V., Koreshkova I., Raimerová K., Ottová L., Pisklák S. Challenges and opportunities of the circular economy and social entrepreneurship. 2024.
Zimmermannová J., Holý O., Kročil O., Vítová B., Krajňák M. Inovativní přístupy k prevenci zdravotních rizik v České republice: Aplikace pokročilých technologií a socioekonomických strategií v Olomouckém kraji (ITEC-CZ). In . (Eds.) MŠMT; Výzva č. 02_23_020 Mezisektorová spolupráce. 2024.
Kosina D., Kubátová J., Müller M., Kročil O., Slavíčková P. Methodology of Psycho-pedagogical, Big Data and Commercial Video Games for the European SKILLS Agenda Implementation (MEGASKILLS). Research Executive Agency (RIA). 2023.
Müller M., Kročil O., Kubátová J., Pospíšil R., Ondrušková D., Kosina D., Vaseková V., Ottová L., Pisklák S. Podnikatelská řešení společenských problémů. Univerizta Palackého v Olomouci. 2023.
Hartmannová L., Šucha M., Drimlová E., Kročil O., Malátek V., Podškubková N., Staníčková N., Kubátová H., Schlossarek M., Lebeda T., Šafr F. Sdílená mobilita – psychologické, sociální, institucionální a ekonomické aspekty. Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci. 2020.

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