Mgr. Michal Müller, Ph.D. et Ph.D.

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Katedra ekonom. a manažerských studií

Filozofická fakulta

Křížkovského 12


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Michal Müller is an assistant professor at the Department of Economic and Managerial Studies. He received a Ph.D. in Philosophy in 2018 and a Ph.D. in Economic and Managerial Studies in 2024. His research interests include management, where he focuses on managerial self-development, social entrepreneurship, and the epistemology of risk and uncertainty in the context of a neuroeconomic research program. His research findings have been published in a number of prestigious journals such as Project Management Journal (Sage), Nonprofit Management & Leadership (Wiley), Philosophy of Management (Springer), Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management (Emerald), and Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science (Springer), Social Enterprise Journal (Emerald), Humanistic Management Journal (Springer), Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (Emerald). Michal Müller is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Management Development (Emerald) since 2023. During his academic career he was a team member of a number of research projects, within which he undertook research trips to Poland, France, Austria and Hong Kong.

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Functions & membership in academic & non academic bodies:

  • Journal of Management Development (člen, 2023–)
Müller M., Vaseková V., Kročil O., Kosina D. COVID-19 as an advantage or a disaster? Crisis and change management strategies of Hong Kong social entrepreneurs during the pandemic. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE MANAGEMENT. 2025.
Vaseková V., Müller M., Kročil O. Acting like Living in a Panopticon? Hong Kong Social entrepreneurs’ Perceptions of Risks and Vulnerabilities. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. 2024.
Müller M., Vaseková V., Kročil O. Entrepreneurial solutions to social problems: philosophy versus management as a guiding paradigm for social enterprise success. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 2024.
Kročil O., Müller M., Schlossarek M. Making sense of social enterprises' crisis preparedness and development of composite index for its assessment. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. 2024.
Kotherová S., Müller M., Jedličková L., Havlíček J., Bubík T. “We Never Stop Singing”: The Dynamics of the Mental and Physical Health of Czech Religious Pastors during the COVID-19 Pandemic. JOURNAL OF RELIGION & HEALTH. 2024.
Müller M., Adámek P., Kotherová S., Petrů M., Bubík T., Daušová A., Pelíšková L. Conceptualisation of Uncertainty in Decision Neuroscience Research: Do We Really Know What Types of Uncertainties The Measured Neural Correlates Relate To? Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. 2023.
Kročil O., Müller M., Kubátová J. Vulnerable social enterprises: sensemaking of the COVID-19 crisis in the Czech Republic. Social Enterprise Journal. 2023.
Müller M., Halová D., Jedličková L., Cserge T. Existential Disruptions of Managers as a Collapse of Childhood Patterns: An Interpretative Phenomenological Investigation. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science. 2022.
Müller M. Politické myšlení Alberta Camuse v kontextu motivu lidské přirozenosti. Svět literatury: Časopis pro novodobé literautury. 2020.
Halová D., Müller M. Perspektiva generace Z na českém trhu práce. Trendy v podnikání. 2019.
Müller M. Šťastní Sisyfové a nekonečná revolta: Několik poznámek k interpretacím díla Alberta Camuse. Ostium - internetový časopis pre humanitné vedy. 2018.
Müller M., Močkor O. Filozofická reflexe omezené racionality. Ostium. 2017.
Močkor O., Müller M. Prínos neuroekonómie sociálnej filozofii v problematike kooperácie. Ostium - internetový časopis pre humanitné odbory. 2017.
Kelemen P., Koreshkova I., Vaseková V., Raimerová K. Distinguishing the circular economy. In Müller M., Slavíčková P. (Eds.) KNOWCON 2024. Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference Proceedings. 2024.
Müller M., Godinho dos Santos NE., Cardoso LM., Kubátová J. Implications of generative artificial intelligence for human-human interaction in knowledge work: Are knowledge workers at risk of isolation and loss of team synergy? In Müller M., Slavíčková P. (Eds.) KNOWCON 2024: Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference Proceedings. 2024.
Ondrušková D., Pospíšil R. Mobilizing First-Time Voters: Assessing the Impact of School-Based Incentives in the 2024 European Parliament Elections. In Müller M., Slavíčková P. (Eds.) KNOWCON 2024. Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference Proceedings. 2024.
Vaseková V. Willingness to Pay for Water Protection and Improvement Among Residents of China’s Direct-Administered Municipalities. In Müller M., Slavíčková P. (Eds.) KNOWCON 2024: Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference Proceedings. 2024.
Kubátová J., Kosina D., Kročil O., Müller M., Slavíčková P. CREA – the essential soft skills for the post-2022 world. KNOWCON 2023. Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference Proceedings. 2023.
Müller M., Vaseková V., Kubátová J., Kročil O. The Importance of the Business Community and Networking in Social Entrepreneurship. In Müller M., Slavíčková P. (Eds.) KNOWCON 2023: Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference Proceedings. 2023.
Slavíčková P., Matlach V. New Research Approaches to the Czech Historical Accounting Terminology. In Müller M., Slavíčková P. (Eds.) KNOWCON 2022: Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference Proceedings. 2022.
Müller M., Vaseková V. The Role of Education in Raising Public Awareness of Social Entrepreneurship: The Case of Hong Kong. In Müller M., Slavíčková P. (Eds.) KNOWCON 2022: Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference Proceedings. 2022.
Müller M. Existential Philosophy of Management as a Tool for Analysis and Interpretation of Organizational Success and Failure: The Case of Hewlett-Packard. In Slavíčková P., Stoklasa J. (Eds.) KNOWCON 2021 - Knowledge on Economics and Management Conference Proceedings. 2021.
Halová D., Müller M. Innovative Approaches to Recruiting: Using Social Media to Become the Employer of Choice for Generation Z. In Matos F., de Fátima Ferreiro M., Rosa Á., Salavisa I. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship ECIE 2021. 2021.
Cserge T., Halová D., Jedličková L., Müller M. Existenciální hermeneutická fenomenologie jako nástroj pro zachycení žité zkušenosti a seberozvoj manažerů. Bílá místa filosofie. Sborník příspěvků doktorandů a mladých badatelů. 2020.
Müller M. The Importance of Crisis in the Process of Becoming a Manager: The Evidence from IPA–EHP Case Studies. In Slavíčková P., Stoklasa J. (Eds.) KNOWCON 2020. Knowledge on Economics and Management. Conference Proceedings. 2020.
Kročil O., Müller M., Kubátová J. Threats, Vulnerabilities and Risks of Social Enterprises – What Do We Know and What Should Be Developed? In Slavíčková P., Stoklasa J. (Eds.) Knowledge on Economics and Management. 2020.
Müller M. What are Existential Disruptions in Managerial Practice? Overcoming Disruptions as Prevention of Burnout. In Talášek T., Stoklasa J., Slavíčková P. (Eds.) Knowledge on Economics and Management: Profit or Purpose Conference Proceedings. 2019.
Müller M. The Ethical Background of Sustainable Decision-Making in an Uncertain World. In Slavíčková P., Talášek T. (Eds.) Knowledge for Market Use 2018: Public Finances in the Background of Sustainable Development International Scientific Conference Proceedings. 2018.
Müller M. SELECTED PROBLEMS OF ECONOMICS IN RISK RESEARCH AND ITS CONSEQUENCES FOR MANAGEMENT. In Slavíčková P. (Eds.) Knowledge for Market Use 2016: Our Interconnected and Divided World. 2016.
Kročil O., Müller M., Kubátová J., Dopita M. Krizové řízení v sociálních podnicích. 2022.
Valenta L. Bolzanova logika. Sebrané spisy III. In Chudárková P., Kucsa R., Močkor O., Müller M., Tvrdý F. (Eds.) 2018.
Valenta L. Česká filozofie. Sebrané spisy I. In Chudárková P., Kucsa R., Močkor O., Müller M., Tvrdý F. (Eds.) 2017.
Valenta L. Filozofie jazyka a vědy. Sebrané spisy II. In Chudárková P., Kucsa R., Močkor O., Müller M., Tvrdý F. (Eds.) 2017.
Müller M., Vaseková V. Authenticity as a way out of the alienation trap from the Western and Eastern perspectives: Insights for management. In Antowska D., Krzych B. (Eds.) Obcość jest wśród nas: Aspekty inności w wybranych problemach nauki, sztuki oraz kultury. 2022.
Müller M., Slavíčková P., Kročil O., Kubátová J., Kosina D. KNOWCON 2024: Knowledge on Economics and Management. 2024.
Kosina D., Müller M., Kubátová J., Slavíčková P., Kročil O. Soft Skills for the 21st Century: Taxonomy and Model. 2024.
Müller M., Slavíčková P., Kubátová J., Kročil O., Kosina D. KNOWCON 2023: Knowledge on Economics and Management. 2023.
Müller M., Slavíčková P., Kubátová J., Kročil O. KNOWCON 2022: Knowledge on Economics and Management. 2022.
Lužný D., Seitl M., Gigalová V., Müller M. Management v teorii a praxi – online sympozium. 2021.
Tkačíková D., Jedličková L., Müller M., Blecha I. Kontinentální filozofie v minulosti a současnosti II. 2020.
Jedličková L., Müller M., Bureš O., Blecha I. Kontinentální filozofie v minulosti a současnosti. 2019.
Müller M., Kročil O., Kelemen P., Kubátová J., Pospíšil R., Vaseková V., Koreshkova I., Raimerová K., Ottová L., Pisklák S. Challenges and opportunities of the circular economy and social entrepreneurship. 2024.
Kosina D., Kubátová J., Müller M., Kročil O., Slavíčková P. Methodology of Psycho-pedagogical, Big Data and Commercial Video Games for the European SKILLS Agenda Implementation (MEGASKILLS). Research Executive Agency (RIA). 2023.
Müller M., Kročil O., Kubátová J., Pospíšil R., Ondrušková D., Kosina D., Vaseková V., Ottová L., Pisklák S. Podnikatelská řešení společenských problémů. Univerizta Palackého v Olomouci. 2023.
Müller M., Halová D., Cserge T., Jedličková L., Kubátová J., Vaseková V. Kvalitativní výzkum kritických momentů manažerské praxe. Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. 2020.
Tkačíková D., Jedličková L., Müller M., Blecha I. Reflexe současných aktualizací vybraných směrů kontinentální filozofie 2. Filozofická fakulta UPOL. 2020.
Jedličková L., Bureš O., Müller M., Blecha I. Reflexe současných aktualizací vybraných směrů kontinentální filozofie. Filozofická fakulta UPOL. 2019.
Müller M., Halová D., Kubátová J. Současné výzkumné, technologické a filozofické trendy a jejich vliv na vybrané oblasti ekonomiky a managementu. Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci. 2019.
Tvrdý F., Chudárková P., Kucsa R., Močkor O., Müller M. Sebrané spisy Lubomíra Valenty. Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Palackého. 2017.
Müller M., Močkor O., Petrů M. Filosofická reflexe omezené racionality. Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Palackého. 2016.

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